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CyberIR@MIT: Knowledge for Science, Policy, Practice

Expansion of MIT’s Global System for Sustainable Development (GSSD) to cover the Cyber domain. Ontology-based and quality controlled knowledge data base consisting or tagged searchable abstracts with links to source. Content structure is based on the ECIR framework for integrating cyberspace and international relations.

See Mapping Sustainability and CyberIR@MIT ontology.

Cybersecurity Wiki

Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet & Society—with contributions from the Science, Technology, and Public Policy Program’s Explorations in Cyber International Relations—has developed a Cybersecurity Wiki that is designed to be a curated, comprehensive, evolving, and interactive collection of resources for researchers (not just legal researchers), technologists, policymakers, judges, students, and others interested in cybersecurity issues, broadly conceived. The general aim of the wiki is to collect in one place, and organize intelligently, important documents related to cybersecurity.

Designed to provide scholars, policymakers, IT professionals, and other stakeholders with a comprehensive set of data on national-level cyber security, information technology, and demographic data. The Dashboard allows stakeholders to observe chronological trends and multivariate correlations that can lead to insight into the current state, potential future trends, and approximate causes of global cyber security issues.

Computational Taxonomy Generation Tool

This study addresses a serious impediment to theory and policy for cybersecurity: Trivial as it might appear on the surface, there is no agreed upon understanding of the issue, no formal definition, and not even a consensus on the mere spelling of the terms –– so that efforts to develop policies and postures, or capture relevant knowledge are seriously hampered. In this context, we present a “proof of concept” for a new research strategy based on a close examination of a large corpus of scholarly knowledge, and the extent to which it enables us to generate new knowledge about cybersecurity of relevance to international relations and to national security relevant to the nation’s security and to international relations. Given the new cyber realities, this paper is also a “proof” of how to create new knowledge through automated investigations of the record to date.

See paper on SSRN.

Cybersecurity Model Curriculum

Harvard’s Berkman Center’s tool for instructors who plan to teach a cybersecurity class, providing them with resources arranged in a coherent, teachable fashion. Not for lay teachers. Provides a structured guide that is adaptable, yet rigorous, permitting professors to take various elements of the course plans and “drag and drop” to create their own customizable syllabi. Developed with contributions from HKS and HLS faculty and fellows.

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